Thursday, October 22, 2009


Son: “You and dad, when you both first met, you liked each other at first right?”

Mom: “Yes, we did.”

Son: “Then when did you realize that you love each other?”

Mom: “Hmm, I don’t know, I guess, we knew each other for a very long time.”

Son: “Does it mean that if you love somebody for a very long time, you’ll fall in love with him?”

Mom: “No, no. it doesn’t necessarily mean that. I guess love is very difficult to understand. I mean, people talk about it all the time, they sing songs about it, write about it but when it comes right down to it. Nobody really knows where love comes from and where it goes.”

Son: “You’re confusing me.”

Mom: “Yes I am and love is like that.”

I wanna watch "My Sister's Keeper" till then, sweet dreams.

Music: Glosoli by Sigur Ros

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can someone turn on the lights?

Lately, it's been a bit dark,
until some light shone in the recent days.
I've made a box, named it the hope box.
Inside of it,
filled with precious letters,
objects and photographs of those i hold to closely,
even those whom i've lost,
those whom i've forgotten,
those whom have hurt me,
those whom i've loved.
Everytime when i feel all jaded,
lost all hope in life,
i'll just have to flip through the things in it.
It'll then remind me of all those memories,
time spent,
moments and joy,
effort and love spent.
The happy and sad,
made me who i am today.
I don't need them around me physically all the time,
because they've been living in my heart all this while,
and have been holding on since.
And it will give me the courage and strength to fight the day.
I believe in the power of faith and love.
I believe.
And because i do believe,
the impossible is made possible.
Not merely by sheer luck,
but by hope.
Dreams will see us through till forever.
And forever will not be complete without anyone of you.

Music: Cold Water - Damien Rice

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The fun theory, Creativity is vital in our boring world.

Boring looking things can be made useful with a little creativity.
And you know it's true when they say,
there's always an inner kid in all of us,
wanting to scream out loud.
But because we let our heart grow old along with our age,
that explains for the lack of creativity.
Every child's an artist,
the problem is just about keeping the heart young.
A plain looking stairs transforms into a huge piano,
creative yet functional.
I would step a song out of it.

A blooming phrase in my life.

Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms
come and go,
it is the fragile blossom
that opens in the snow.
Every moment of hope
is like a bubble blown,
it is as fragile as the heart
but at the very same time as beautiful as life can be.
I guess in life,
we have to make the better out of everything small.
I've learnt that things don't wait for you to happen
and love doesn't always come to you.
You search for them.
You're suppose to discover them.
Hiding is escaping
and running away
is never the best solution.
We all yearn for love and long to be
in close relationships with others.
Yet it is extraordinarily difficult to achieve this.
Whilst our relationships can be the source of great fulfillment for us,
they are often the cause of our greatest pain and sorrow.
I want to live life with every breathe taken as if they were my last one,
even if love is not returned always,
it doesn't matter.
Because what matters most is if that the love that you give to others is right from the heart.
If it is and people are happy receiving it,
i guess i should be happy too.
I know i cannot please everyone,
but at least i tried.

THE Proposal.

Now i wanna go Disneyland. Where dreams do come true.