Monday, June 14, 2010

The truth will set you free.

"Letting you fight alone, now that's pretty crazy."

"There'll be loads of people who won't be able to control their anger if you go alone and get killed. Don't bear this burden alone and don't give me any face. This fight belongs... to all of us."

"Don't be mistaken, we haven't come here prepared to die, we're fighting to live. All of that "protecting the world" nonsense is nothing more than a grand cause with a nice ring to it. We're fighting so that we can live, so that you can live and to protect everyone else from evil's grasp. Do not fall behind."

In this world, there is originally no such thing as the "truth" or a "lie", there are only cold hard facts regardless. Everything that exists in this world lives by mistakenly recognizing only the "facts" that are convenient for them as "the truth", this is because they possess no other way to live.

However, the powerless, who makes up the majority in this world, it is the facts that are inconvenient to their self-affirmation that are the entirety of the truth.