Wednesday, April 21, 2010

These Songs.

The songs of butterflies are snippets of memoirs of my life and aspirations. You must be really privileged to be that lucky few to chance upon this online journal of mine and am glad to share my views and in return i hope to inspire and bring warmth to your soul.

I will never forget the reason for the creation of this journal. It is to constantly remind myself that life is indeed wonderful, hopeful and that regardless the amount of suffering and pain and disappointments we all face, life never fails to inspire, surprise and imparts us with wisdom. As a saying goes, "Life is a great teacher but it kills all of its students." The end of life, is none other than death, something that i have recently understood and had to deal with.

Daddy died of Cancer, last year, on the 18th of April, three days ago. A year later, now, i have been constantly questioning god and trying to find those answers. I was furious, confused and extremely saddened at the fact that he is indeed not coming back. I sort of came to terms with stuff and am still growing as a person. I'm really amazed at the amount of pain a normal human being can take and that sometimes i feel that, that "pain" can be used and be converted to positive energy if one have hope, that if one still believe. I think that is why some people, choose to die whereas some lived for a higher purpose in life despite the amount of turmoils they had to put themselves through.

"I have great dreams and i am saddened at the fact that how most, artists, designers, philosophers have ended their life in the most dramatic and tragic ways. I agree, that, perhaps, the pain of being misunderstood was just too hard to bear and that the darkness and loneliness have engulfed them. Perhaps, their ideals have been overshadowed by the ugliness of reality and that giving up, might be the only way of of this chaos? Indeed, one can only speculate. But one thing for sure, these great people have all loved life with a fervent heart and a burning passion. They loved life, so much, that they constantly question, seek, spread the word, write the truths and to dream their vision of a "perfect" world. To face an undeserving and cruel crowd, who are not listening, are ready to hurl stones of condemnation at you even as you remain still and firm in your ideas, how great the disappointment must be.

Yes, indeed, unfortunately, like all love stories, expectations fail, promises are unfulfiled, and the vulnerable heart is broken. I remain doubtful about the conditions of life, but that does not mean i cannot love it. We must all be mad to embrace life and its sacrifices so intensely even though knowledge is absurd anyway and one cannot access the perfect wisdom except through one's madness. Yet, we love life for all the freedom it brings, despite its lack of meaning and purpose."

I love life and let me remain mad forever. Madly in love.
I want to keep this voice in me. I want to remain hopeful. I want to run and hide, away from everyone, the entire undeserving world and whichever place that alphabets can spell i could ignore but one thing for sure the only alphabet that i'd like to really keep close to my heart, is "U". I love you.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

男人, 男人。

1. 好男人,多数是丑的。

2. 英俊的男人,多数很坏。

3. 又英俊又好的男人,多数搞同性恋。

4. 又英俊,又好,又很正常的男人,多数已经有老婆。

5. 不英俊,但是好的,没有钱。

6. 不英俊,但是好的,又有钱的男人,多数以为你爱他们,是为了他们的钱。

7. 英俊的男人,没有钱,要和你交朋友,是为了你们的钱。

8. 英俊的男人,又不太好,但是很正常的,多数认为你不够漂亮。

9. 认为你是漂亮,又是正常的男人,虽然温柔又好,但多数不敢约你出去。

10. 有点钱,有点英俊,有点正常,对你有点好,又是没有老婆的男人,从来不采取主动来约你。

11. 不采取主动的男人,女人只好采取主动,这一下子可完了,他们以为你很cheap, 不值得娶你做老婆。