Thursday, December 31, 2009


Happy new year!

Thank you for 2009, the good the bad, the happy the sad, successes and failures, even everything small and insignificant, we've learnt and will move on strong into the next year. Let's welcome the year 2010 with open arms, an open mind and an open heart.

In this year, i pray that all my family members, friends will be in the pink of health, learn how to take life easy, as in learn how to step back sometimes from each hectic life and take some time out for oneself, as well as hoping that in whatever they do this year, may god guide and bless them with good favour, love and hope.

In this new year, i've made new resolutions and promises, realistic ones this time, so achieving them won't seem too hard as compared to last year. I am determined to fulfill all of them this year, somehow i feel that this year's going to be a good one, everyone would like to think so too! But somehow, i do feel different about this year, well, time will tell.

Side track, sometimes, i never fail to marvel at the works of god, nature, biology and science. They never fail to inspire me in my art. The human anatomy, chemical secretion in the body, the double helix that's in us, evolution, plants, animals, life. I hope that one day, my art can reach the masses and share something, something in my heart with the world. And that my art will educate, inspire and ultimately touch souls.

I cannot wait to dash and run towards the finishing line. I'll pace myself, run slow and steady, cause the tortoise always wins.

Last but not least, thank you Daddy for giving life to me, this life that you gave, i'd make the best out of it, i'll make you proud. I love you.

Friday, December 25, 2009


"You were so close. If only you'd taken just one more step..."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A promise one should always keep.

If you're all alone and feeling blue, just believe in me, turn back and look over your shoulder. I promise to be there.

Pon & Zi.

Friday, December 18, 2009

B.B.Q my life.

1) I want to live a life burning with passion, i want to be constantly inspiring, constantly creating art.
2) I will rather go broke, than to sell my soul for money.
3) I want to build my own house, somewhere peaceful, quiet, away from the city.
4) I want to help the lonely children of the world, play with them, educate them and make them feel like they can take over the world even when they are incomplete and imperfect.
5) I just want to be happy, always smiling, always contented.
6) I hope my buisness will run well, be it a big or small one, i want to give it my all.
7) I wanna thank god for all that he have placed in my life, the people around me, my family, opportunities, chances, the failures, happiness, sorrows and experiences.
8) I pray for those whom are around me, those blinded by the fame and worldly objects, that they may be delivered and that they will seek light and purpose in their life.
9) I appreciate the things that my dad and mom had to put through in their life to provide for me, those small little things that i've overlooked, those things that i do not see and those that i find totally ridiculous, thank you.
10) I am free from the world. I just want to be a child again, constantly travelling, finding the joy in life and visiting new places, meeting interesting people, experience new cultures, exchanging ideas and touch life.

Wedding Dress - Taeyoung (BIGBANG)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unrequited love.

"A Mighty pain to love it is,
and 'tis a pain that pain to miss;
But of all pains, the greatest pain
It is to love, but love in vain."

The Rootless tree and the 9 crimes.

Leave me out with the waste this is not what i do.
It's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you.
It's the wrong time for somebody new.

So fuck you,
and all we've been through, i said leave it.
It's nothing to you and if you hate me, then hate me so good that you can let me out.
Let me out of this hell when you're around.
Let me out.
Let me out.
Let me...

Rootless tree & 9 Crimes - Damien Rice

Thursday, December 10, 2009